3 tips for a relaxing photoshoot

My tips for a more relaxing photoshoot

I am not a stress head…..like at all.

Ask anyone in my family and they will happily share the frustration that my cool, calm, “she’ll be right” attitude can sometimes cause (especially in airports).

I got it from my mama, who is 1000x worse than I am.

But to be perfectly honest; having to plan and prepare for a family photoshoot stresses me out a little.

You spend weeks (or even months) choosing a photographer, a location, coordinating outfits, perfectly timing your hair and nail appointments, making sure hubby doesn’t come home with a weird sunglass tan or your children don’t fall and bust their lip and pray that all the stress doesn’t land you with a giant pimple on shoot day…

Add to that the anxiety that your husband and / or children will scowl or cross their arms in every photo or just throw a whopping big tantrum.

It’s a lot, believe me I get it

You’ve invested hundreds into capturing gorgeous family photos and you want them to be perfect.

Maybe everything I just described is the exact reason why you’ve been putting off booking a shoot?

Take a deep breath with me (because honestly just typing all that out has got me on edge)

It doesn’t have to be like that.

Family sessions should be fun, not just for kids but for you too.

Here are three tips for having a relaxed family session:


As your photographer, I will provide you with a comprehensive styling guide full of tips and tricks for dressing the family for a shoot.

I will teach you how to achieve the look and feel of our photos – which is probably one of the main reasons you booked with me.

But ultimately the most important thing is to feel like YOU. If dressing to the nines feels comfortable – go for it

But if a comfy outfit and no makeup is how you feel your best, do just that!

Family photos should represent your actual family and your actual personalities not just be a copy and paste of a family you found on Pinterest.


Running behind schedule is guaranteed to put you on edge.

Aim to be crazy early to your session to avoid being stressed out just before the shoot.

Plus the kids will have a chance to settle into the location before meeting me and getting used to the camera.

Maybe you can even have a little dance party in the car while you wait


Life isn’t perfect so why should a photoshoot be any different

Who cares if things don’t go exactly to plan.

It’s the crazy, unexpected moments that make for the best stories anyway.

These are just three tips – I got plenty more. So if you’ve got questions about booking your shoot please send me an email and we can chat!

Ready to book?


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